Statement of Accreditation Status

University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo

  • CEO: Dr. Yeidi Altieri, Chancellor
  • Accreditation Liaison Officer: Prof. Vanessa Montalvo
  • Commission Staff Liaison: Dr. Ryan Hartnett, Vice President
  • Carnegie Classification: Baccalaureate Colleges: Diverse Fields » Four-year, medium, primarily nonresidential
  • Control: Public
  • Former Name(s): UPR-Arecibo (8/18/2021), UPR Arecibo University College (1/1/2000), UPR Arecibo Regional College (9/1/1980)
  • Phase: Accredited
  • Status: Accreditation Reaffirmed
  • Accreditation Granted: 1967
  • Last Reaffirmation: 2019
  • Next Self-Study Evaluation: 2024-2025

Contact Information

Carr. 653 Km. 08 Sector Barrancas
Arecibo, PR 00614

(787) 815-0000

  • August 25, 2022
    To acknowledge receipt of the substantive change request. To include the first Master's degree in Psychology of Leadership and Social Management within the institution's scope of accreditation. To require written evidence of approvals from all necessary licensing, regulatory, or other legal entities as necessary, including the Puerto Rico Board of Post-Secondary Institutions. To note the Commission may rescind this action if the requested substantive change is not implemented within one calendar year from the date of this action. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2024-2025.
  • June 24, 2021
    To acknowledge receipt of the monitoring report. To note that the institution hosted a virtual site visit in lieu of an on-site visit in accordance with United States Department of Education (USDE) guidelines published March 17, 2020. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2024-2025.
  • August 27, 2020
    To acknowledge receipt of the substantive change request. To include the alternative delivery method-distance education within the institution's scope of accreditation. To require written evidence of approvals from all necessary licensing, regulatory, or other legal entities as necessary, including the Puerto Rico Board of Post-Secondary Institutions. To note that the Commission may rescind this action if the requested substantive change is not implemented within one calendar year from the date of this action. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2024-2025.
  • April 16, 2020
    To acknowledge receipt of formal written notice from the institution in response to the Commission's request of March 9, 2020. To temporarily waive Substantive Change Policy and Procedures and allow the use of distance education to accommodate students impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19) interruptions, in accordance with United States Department of Education (USDE) guidelines published March 5, 2020. Continued use of distance education beyond the limitations of USDE guidelines will require substantive change approval in accordance with Substantive Change Policy and Procedures. This flexibility is not available for clock-hour courses that lead to licensure if the licensing body will not accept distance learning courses or hours or give credit for them toward the number of hours a student must complete. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2024-2025.
  • April 16, 2020
    To acknowledge receipt of the monitoring report. To delay the On-Site Follow-up visit scheduled for Spring 2020 due to extraordinary circumstances related to coronavirus (COVID-19) interruptions and to continue accreditation. To note the institution remains accredited during a delay granted by the Commission. The Follow-Up visit will be scheduled in accordance with Commission policy and procedures.
  • October 8, 2019
    To note that the Commission acted on June 27, 2019 and the Show Cause Report that was due September 1, 2019 is no longer required.
  • October 8, 2019
    To note that the Commission acted on June 27, 2019 and the Teach-Out Plan that was due September 1, 2019 is no longer required.
  • June 27, 2019
    To acknowledge receipt of the supplemental information report. To reaffirm accreditation because the institution is now in compliance with Standard VI (Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement) and Requirement of Affiliation 11. To request a monitoring report due, March 16, 2020, in lieu of the show cause report due September 1, 2019, demonstrating further evidence of sustainability of implemented corrective measures, including but not limited to: (1) improvements in the institution's annual closing processes and implementation of effective monitoring controls over financial information (Standard VI); (2) the development of multi-year financial plans for the institution that produce balanced budgets, including appropriate revenue assumptions (Standard VI); (3) management of financial reporting that provides for reliable financial data at the institutional level (Standard VI); (4) submission of the 2019 annual audits (Standard VI and Requirement of Affiliation 11); and (5) the planning and implementation of restructuring for sustainability (Standard VI). To note that a teach-out plan will no longer be required. To direct a follow-up team visit following submission of the monitoring report. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2024-2025.
  • June 27, 2019
    To note the visit by the Commission's representatives.
  • March 14, 2019
    To acknowledge receipt of the show cause report. To note the visit by the Commission's representatives. To require the institution to continue to show cause by September 1, 2019, to demonstrate why its accreditation should not be withdrawn because of insufficient evidence that the institution is in compliance with Standard VI (Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement) and Requirement of Affiliation 11. To note the institution is now in compliance with Requirement of Affiliation 14 and the Related Entities Policy. To grant an extension for good cause to extend the period to demonstrate compliance by one year because the institution has provided written and compelling evidence that: (1) the quality of the student learning experience has not been compromised at the institution; (2) the institution has the potential to remedy the non-compliance issues identified by the Commission within the period of extension; (3) the institution has developed reasonable plans to meet the Commission's expectations for reaffirmation within the period of the extension; (4) the institution has support from the University of Puerto Rico central administration, the Financial Oversight Management Board for Puerto Rico, and other constituencies for ongoing institutional compliance; and (5) the institution has been impacted by other circumstances outside of the institution's control. To note the institution remains accredited while on show cause. To require a show cause report due September 1, 2019, documenting evidence of the submission of timely and accurate financial audits (Standard VI and Requirement of Affiliation 11). The show cause report must also include evidence of: (1) how the institution has improved its annual closing processes and implemented effective monitoring controls over financial information, (2) the development of multi-year financial plans that produce balanced budgets, including appropriate revenue assumptions; (3) management of financial reporting that provides for the timely completion of annual audits, and (4) the planning and implementation of restructuring for sustainability (Standard VI and Related Entities Policy). To direct an on-site show cause visit following submission of the report. The purpose of the on-site show cause visit is to verify the information provided in the show cause report and the institution's ongoing and sustainable compliance with the Commission's standards, requirements, policies and procedures, and federal compliance requirements. To direct a prompt Commission liaison guidance visit to discuss the Commission's expectations. To note that the institution will be invited to appear before the Commission when it meets to consider the institution's show cause report. To require a supplemental information report due May 1, 2019, documenting evidence of (1) the single audit and audited financial statements for fiscal year 2018, and (2) submission of the 2018 single audit and audited financial statements to the Commission, United States Department of Education, and other parties as required by regulation and/or law (Standard VI and Requirement of Affiliation 11). To remind the institution and the related entity of its obligation to provide timely and accurate financial audits. The date of the next evaluation will be determined upon reaffirmation of accreditation.
  • March 14, 2019
    To acknowledge receipt of the teach-out plan. To require that the institution complete and submit for approval, due September 1, 2019, an updated comprehensive, implementable teach-out plan (Requirement of Affiliation 6: Teach-Out Plans and Agreements Policy and Procedures). In accordance with Commission policy and federal regulations, the teach-out plan must provide for the equitable treatment of students to complete their education, if the Commission were to withdraw accreditation, and include any signed, teach-out agreements that the institution has entered into or intends to enter into with another institution.
  • March 4, 2019
    To acknowledge receipt of the substantive change request. To include the first Post-Baccalaureate Certificate - Gastroenterology Nursing Care Certificate within the institution's scope of accreditation. To note that the Commission may rescind this action if the requested substantive change is not implemented within one calendar year from the date of this action. To remind the institution of the Commission's action of January 11, 2019 to place the institution on show cause because of insufficient evidence that it is currently in compliance with Standard VI (Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement), Requirements of Affiliation 11 and 14, and the Related Entities Policy. To note that the institution remains accredited while on show cause. To note that the show cause report and teach-out plan due January 25, 2019 was received and will be acted on by the Commission at its March meeting.
  • January 11, 2019
    To acknowledge receipt of the supplemental information report. To note that the report did not provide the requested evidence and was not conducive to Commission review. To require the institution to show cause, by January 25, 2019, to demonstrate why its accreditation should not be withdrawn because of insufficient evidence that the institution is in compliance with Standard VI (Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement), Requirements of Affiliation 11 and 14, and the Related Entities Policy. To note that the institution remains accredited while on show cause. To note further that federal regulations limit the period during which an institution may be in non-compliance to two years. To require a show cause report, due January 25, 2019, documenting evidence that the institution has achieved and can sustain ongoing compliance with the Commission's standards, requirements, policies and procedures, and federal compliance requirements. The show cause report must include evidence of (1) documented financial resources, funding base, and plans for financial development adequate to support its educational purposes and programs and to ensure financial stability (Standard VI and Requirement of Affiliation 11); (2) updated information on the impact of the Fiscal Oversight Management Board's plan and proposed restructuring on the institution's status and finances (Standard VI); (3) an annual independent audit confirming financial viability with evidence of follow-up on any concerns cited in the audit's accompanying management letter (Standard VI); (4) a record of responsible fiscal management, has a prepared budget for the current year, and undergoes an external financial audit on an annual basis (Standard VI and Requirement of Affiliation 11); and (5) certification by the related entity that it recognizes the Commission's compliance requirements and will ensure that responsibilities of the related entity are fulfilled, including making freely available to the Commission accurate, fair, and complete information through disclosure of information required by the Commission to carry out its accrediting responsibilities (Related Entities Policy; Requirement of Affiliation 14). To require that the institution complete and submit for approval, by January 25, 2019, a comprehensive, implementable teach-out plan (Teach-Out Plans and Agreements Policy and Procedures). In accordance with Commission policy and federal regulations, the teach-out plan must provide for the equitable treatment of students to complete their education, if the Commission were to withdraw accreditation, and include any signed, teach-out agreements that the institution has entered into or intends to enter into with another institution. To direct an on-site show cause visit following submission of the report. The purpose of the on-site show cause visit is to verify the information provided in the show cause report and the institution's ongoing and sustainable compliance with the Commission's standards, requirements, policies and procedures, and federal compliance requirements. To direct a prompt Commission liaison guidance visit to discuss the Commission's expectations. To note that the institution will be invited to appear before the Commission when it meets to consider the institution's show cause report. The date of the next evaluation will be determined upon reaffirmation of accreditation.
  • November 15, 2018
    To acknowledge receipt of the supplemental information report. To note the visit by the Commission representatives. To postpone a decision on accreditation pending receipt of annual audited financial statement and single audit. To remind the institution of the Commission's June 21, 2018 action continuing the institution’s probation because of insufficient evidence that the institution is in compliance with Standard VI (Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement) and Requirement of Affiliation 11. To note that the institution remains accredited while on probation. To remind the institution that federal regulations limit the period during which an institution may be in non-compliance to two years. To request a supplemental information report due January 2, 2019, providing the audited financial statement and single audit for June 30th, 2017. The date of the next evaluation will be determined upon reaffirmation of accreditation.
  • November 15, 2018
    To acknowledge receipt of the supplemental information report.
  • August 3, 2018
    Staff acted on behalf of the Commission to request a supplemental information report, due September 1, 2018, addressing recent developments at the institution which may have implications for current and future compliance with Standard II: Ethics and Integrity and Standard VI: Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement.
  • June 21, 2018
    To accept the supplemental information report of March 2018 and the monitoring report of September 2017. To note the visit from the Commission representatives. To note that the institution is now in compliance with Requirement of Affiliation 2 (formerly Requirement of Affiliation 3). To postpone a decision on reaffirmation and remind the institution that it remains on probation because of insufficient evidence that the institution is currently in compliance with Standard VI (Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement) and Requirement of Affiliation 11. To note that the institution remains accredited while on probation. To remind the institution that federal regulations limit the period during which an institution may be in non-compliance to two years. To request a supplemental information report due September 1, 2018 documenting evidence that the institution has achieved and can sustain ongoing compliance with Standard VI and Requirement of Affiliation 11, including but not limited to (1) evidence that the institution has documented financial resources, funding base, and plans for financial development adequate to support its educational purposes and programs and to ensure financial stability; (2) updated information on the impact of the Fiscal Oversight Management Board's plan and proposed restructuring on the institution's status and finances (Standard VI); and (3) evidence that the institution demonstrates a record of responsible fiscal management, has a prepared budget for the current year, and undergoes an external financial audit on an annual basis (Standard VI and Requirement of Affiliation 11). A small team visit will follow submission of the report. Upon reaffirmation of accreditation, the date of the next evaluation visit is 2024-2025.
  • February 15, 2018
    To accept the supplemental information report. To postpone a decision on reaffirmation. To remind the institution of the Commission's May 18, 2017 action placing the institution on probation because of insufficient evidence that the institution is currently in compliance with Requirements of Affiliation 3 and 8 and Standard 3. To note that the institution remains accredited while on probation. To request a supplemental information report, due March 15, 2018, regarding the status of the institution. In lieu of the April 2018 progress report, to request that the supplemental information report also address the topics of the progress report: (1) further development and implementation of a financial planning and budgeting process aligned with the institution's mission and goals, (2) a plan that provides for an annual budget and multi-year budget projections (formerly Standard 3, now Standard VI), and (3) a procedure for the periodic objective assessment of the governing body in meeting stated governing body objectives (formerly Standard 4, now Standard VII). A small team visit will follow submission of the report. To note that the monitoring report submitted in September 2017 will be acted upon at the June Commission meeting. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2024-2025.
  • October 19, 2017
    To request a supplemental information report due, December 1, 2017, regarding the status of the institution.  To note the visit by the Commission's representatives and to note that the monitoring report has been received and will be acted on at the March Commission meeting.
  • May 18, 2017
    To accept the Supplemental Information Report. To place the institution on probation because of insufficient evidence that the institution is currently in compliance with Requirements of Affiliation 3 (institution is operational, with students actively pursuing its degree programs) and 8 (documented financial resources, funding base, and plans for financial development adequate to support its educational purposes and programs and to assure financial stability), and with Standard 3 (Institutional Resources). To note that the institution remains accredited while on probation. To request a monitoring report, due September 1, 2017, documenting evidence that the institution has achieved and can sustain compliance with Requirements of Affiliation 3 and 8 and Standard 3, including but not limited to (1) the institution is operational, with students actively pursuing its degree programs (Requirement of Affiliation 3) and (2) the institution has documented financial resources, funding base, and plans for financial development adequate to support its educational purposes and programs and to assure financial stability (Requirement of Affiliation 8 and Standard 3). A small team visit will follow submission of the report. To direct a prompt liaison guidance consultation to discuss the Commission's expectations. To remind the institution of its obligation to inform the Commission about any and all significant developments relevant to this action, including developments relevant to Title IV program responsibilities. To remind the institution of the Commission's request of November 17, 2016 for a progress report due April 1, 2018. Upon reaffirmation of accreditation, the next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2024-2025.
  • May 2, 2017
    Staff acted on behalf of the Commission to request a supplemental information report, due May 5, 2017, addressing concerns regarding recent developments at the institution which may have implications for current and future compliance with Requirements of Affiliation, Standards, or Commission Policies.
  • November 17, 2016
    To reaffirm accreditation and to recognize the institution for progress to date. To request a progress report, due April 1, 2018, documenting further development and implementation of (1) a financial planning and budgeting process aligned with the institution's mission and goals, and a plan that provides for an annual budget and multi-year budget projections (Standard 3); and (2) a procedure for the periodic objective assessment of the governing body in meeting stated governing body objectives (Standard 4). The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2024-2025.
  • June 26, 2014
    To accept the monitoring report. To remind the institution of its obligation to ensure timely production of audited financial statements. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2015-2016.
  • November 21, 2013
    To accept the supplemental information report. To request a monitoring report, due April 1, 2014, documenting evidence of an independent audit for FY2013, with evidence of follow-up on any concerns cited in the audit's accompanying management letter for both FY2012 and FY2013 (Standard 3). To remind the institution of its obligation to ensure timely production of audited financial statements. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2015-2016.
  • June 25, 2013
    To note that an extension has been granted for the submission of a supplemental information report that addresses the impact on institutional leadership of the recent changes in governance and administration, and actions planned or taken by the University to ensure ongoing compliance with Standards 4, 5 and 6. The supplemental information report is now due August 1, 2013. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2015-2016.
  • June 13, 2013
    To request, in accordance with the Commission's policy on Public Communication in the Accrediting Process, a supplemental information report, due July 10, 2013, that addresses the impact on institutional leadership of the recent changes in governance and administration, and actions planned or taken by the University to ensure ongoing compliance with Standards 4, 5 and 6. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2015-2016.
  • June 28, 2012
    To accept the monitoring report. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2015-2016.
  • June 23, 2011
    To accept the monitoring report, to note that a small team visit took place, to remove probation, and reaffirm accreditation. To request a monitoring report due by March 1, 2012 documenting further progress in (1) strengthening institutional resources and developing alternative forms of income, including institutional pro-forma budgets that demonstrate the institution's ability to generate a balanced budget for fiscal years 2012 through 2014, including the personnel, compensation, and other assumptions on which these budgets are based; (2) steps taken to ensure timely production of audited financial statements for FY 2011 and subsequent years (Standard 3); (3) further steps taken to improve communication and shared governance, especially in documenting how campus input is solicited and considered in decision making at the System level; (4) evidence of further implementation of the UPR Action Plan, including evidence that the action plan is being assessed and data is used for improvements; (5) evidence that steps have been taken to assure continuity and stability of institutional leadership, particularly in times of governmental transitions; (6) evidence that communication between the Central Administration and the institution, is clear, timely, accurate, and made available to all constituents; and (7) evidence of further progress in implementing a procedure for the periodic objective assessment of the Board of Trustees (Standard 4). The next evaluation visit is now scheduled for 2015-2016.
  • November 18, 2010
    To note that the Commission liaison guidance visit took place. To document receipt of the monitoring report and to note the visit by the Commission's representatives. To document receipt of the Periodic Review Report and note that the report provided limited information and analysis on Standard 3. To continue the institution's probation due to a lack of evidence that the institution is in compliance with Standard 3 (Institutional Resources) and Standard 4 (Leadership and Governance). To request a monitoring report due by March 1, 2011, documenting evidence that the institution has achieved and can sustain ongoing compliance with Standards 3 and 4, including, but not limited to (1) five-year financial projections for the UPR System including information from audited financial statements for fiscal year 2010; (2) institutional pro-forma budgets that demonstrate the institution's ability to generate a balanced budget for fiscal years 2012 through 2015, including the personnel, compensation, and other assumptions on which these budgets are based (Standard 3); (3) evidence of implementation of clear institutional policies specifying the respective authority of the different governance bodies and their respective roles and responsibilities in shared governance; (4) evidence that the Board of Trustees assists in generating resources needed to sustain and improve the institution; (5) evidence of a procedure in place for the periodic objective assessment of the Board of Trustees in meeting stated governing body objectives and responsibilities; (6) evidence that steps have been taken to assure continuity and stability of institutional leadership, particularly in times of governmental transition; (7) evidence that the UPR Action Plan is implemented, that it is assessed, and the data are used for continuous improvement of the institution's processes; (8) evidence that steps have been taken to improve shared governance, especially in documenting how campus input is solicited and considered in decision making at the System level; and (9) evidence that communication between the Central Administration and the institution and within the institution, is clear, timely, and accurate, and that the sources of such communications are clearly defined and made available to all constituents (Standard 4). An on-site evaluation will follow submission of the report. To note that the institution remains accredited while on probation.
  • Distance Education
    Approved to offer programs by this delivery method
  • Correspondence Education
    Not approved for this delivery method

Approved Credential Levels

The following represents credential levels included in the scope of the institution’s accreditation:

  • Associate's Degree or Equivalent Included within the scope
  • Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent Included within the scope
  • Post-baccalaureate Certificate Included within the scope to offer ONE program: Gastroenterology Nursing Care Certificate
  • Master's Degree or Equivalent Included within the scope to offer ONE program: Psychology of Leadership and Social Management
  • Main Campus
    UPR - Arecibo
    Carr. 653 Km. 08 Sector Barrancas
    Arecibo, PR 00614

The following are links to sites that are not maintained by the MSCHE. These are provided as additional external resources about each institution that the MSCHE accredits.