Statement of Accreditation Status
Moore College of Art and Design
- CEO: Ms. Cathy Young, President
- Accreditation Liaison Officer: Dr. Regina Benasutti
- Commission Staff Liaison: Terence Peavy, Vice President
- Carnegie Classification: Special Focus Four-Year: Arts, Music & Design Schools » Four-year, very small, highly residential
- Control: Private (Non-Profit)
- Former Name(s): Moore Institute of Art, Science, and Industry
- Phase: Accredited
- Status: Accreditation Reaffirmed
- Accreditation Granted: November 1, 1958
- Last Reaffirmation: 2022
- Next Self-Study Evaluation: 2029-2030
- November 16, 2023
To acknowledge receipt of the supplemental information report requested by the Commission action of June 23, 2022. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2029-2030. - October 31, 2023
To note the verification visit took place on May 25, 2023 to the main campus at The Parkway At Twentieth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. - June 23, 2022
To acknowledge receipt of the self-study report. To note that the institution hosted a virtual site visit in lieu of an on-site visit in accordance with the United States Department of Education (USDE) guidelines published March 17, 2020. To reaffirm accreditation. To request a supplemental information report, due April 1, 2023, documenting (1) clearly stated institutional and program-level goals which are aligned with each other and with the institution's mission (Standard V) and (2) the development and implementation of organized and systematic assessments that evaluate the extent of student achievement in general education (Standard V). To note that a verification visit is required by USDE guidelines and will be conducted within a reasonable period of time following the virtual site visit. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2029-2030. - August 26, 2021
To acknowledge receipt of the substantive change request. To include alternative delivery method-distance education within the institution's scope of accreditation. To note that the Commission reserves the right to rescindthis actionif any developments reveal additional information that might have affected the Commission's decision and/or the requested substantive change is not implemented within one calendar year from the date of this action. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2021-2022. - April 16, 2020
To acknowledge receipt of formal written notice from the institution in response to the Commission's request of March 9, 2020. To temporarily waive Substantive Change Policy and Procedures and allow the use of distance education to accommodate students impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19) interruptions, in accordance with United States Department of Education (USDE) guidelines published March 5, 2020. Continued use of distance education beyond the limitations of USDE guidelines will require substantive change approval in accordance with Substantive Change Policy and Procedures. This flexibility is not available for clock-hour courses that lead to licensure if the licensing body will not accept distance learning courses or hours or give credit for them toward the number of hours a student must complete. The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2021-2022. - April 18, 2018
To accept the Periodic Review Report and to reaffirm accreditation. To commend the institution for the quality of the Periodic Review Report. To request that, beginning in 2019 and in conjunction with each Annual Institutional Update prior to the Self-Study Evaluation visit in 2021-2022, the institution provide further evidence of (1) clearly documented and communicated planning and improvement processes that provide for constituent participation and incorporate the use of assessment results (Standard V) and (2) enrollment management planning linked to budget (Standard VI). The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2021-2022. - November 16, 2017
To accept the Periodic Review Report and to reaffirm accreditation. To commend the institution for the quality of the Periodic Review Report.To request that, beginning in 2019 and in conjunction with each Annual Institutional Update, the institution provide further evidence of (1) clearly documented and communicated planning and improvement processes that provide for constituent participation and incorporate the use of assessment results (Standard V) and (2) enrollment management planning linked to budget (Standard VI). The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2021-2022. - November 21, 2013
To accept the progress report. The Periodic Review Report is due June 1, 2017. - June 28, 2012
To reaffirm accreditation. To request a progress report, due October 1, 2013, documenting further progress in the development and implementation of (1) steps taken to strengthen collegial governance including clarification of the governance responsibilities of administration and faculty (Standard 4); (2) carefully articulated, equitable, and implemented procedures for peer review of full- and part-time faculty members (Standard 10); and (3) an organized and sustainable process to assess the achievement of student learning goals in all programs, with evidence that assessment information is used to improve teaching and learning (Standard 14). The Periodic Review Report is due June 1, 2017.
- Distance Education
Approved to offer programs by this delivery method - Correspondence Education
Not approved for this delivery method
Approved Credential Levels
The following represents credential levels included in the scope of the institution’s accreditation:
- Associate's Degree or Equivalent Included within the scope to offer ONE program
- Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent Included within the scope
- Post-baccalaureate Certificate Included within the scope
- Master's Degree or Equivalent Included within the scope
- Main Campus
Moore College of Art and Design
The Parkway At Twentieth Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
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