MSCHE Policy Call for Comments – Accreditation Review Cycle and Monitoring Policy and Procedures

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) invites comments on the following revised policies:

The policy and procedure documents are provided in the link above. The accompanying procedural document is included to provide context and facilitate understanding of the policy and its implementation. Please be sure to open the link in this email prior to submitting your comments. The documents are also available on the Policies Under Review page if you need to review the documents again or wish to submit additional comments.

All comments are due by April 7, 2023, and must be submitted using this link: Submit Call for Comments

All feedback, no matter how brief, is welcome. Comments are most helpful when they refer to specific paragraphs in the policy, include the reasons for the comments, and offer specific recommendations. The Commission is seeking widespread feedback, therefore, comments may be submitted by any individual and individuals may submit more than one comment.

All comments received will be considered and the document will be further revised as appropriate for review and approval by the Commission at its June 2023 meeting. The approved policy and procedures will become effective July 1, 2023. Please direct any questions regarding the policies, or the call for comments, to [email protected].