MSCHE Requires Alliance University to Show Cause

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) moved Alliance University to show cause on March 9, 2023, after receipt of the monitoring report due on December 1, 2022. This followed the Commission placing the institution on probation on June 23, 2022.

The Commission found “insufficient evidence that the institution is in compliance with the Commission’s standards for accreditation, requirements of affiliation, policies and procedures, and applicable federal regulatory requirements.”

The Commission is requiring Alliance University to submit a show cause report, due April 14, 2023, documenting evidence of compliance with Standard VI (Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement) and Requirements of Affiliation 10 and 11.

The Commission directed a prompt Commission liaison guidance visit to discuss the Commission’s expectations and a show cause visit following submission of the report to verify the information provided in the show cause report. The institution will be invited to present before the Commission when it meets to consider the institution’s show cause report, which is expected in June.

While Alliance University remains accredited on show cause, federal regulations limit the period during which an institution may be in non-compliance, which started June 23, 2022. In addition, the Commission is requiring Alliance University to complete and submit for approval a comprehensive, implementable teach-out plan with teach-out agreements that is also due April 14, 2023. In accordance with Commission policy and federal regulations, the teach-out plan must provide for the equitable treatment of students to complete their education, if the Commission were to withdraw accreditation.

For more information and further details regarding the show cause, visit the institution directory listing to access Alliance University’s Statement of Accreditation Status (SAS).

Policies and Procedures

Accreditation Actions Policy and Procedures

Accreditation Review Cycle and Monitoring Policy and Procedures

Appeals from Adverse Accrediting Actions Procedures

Communication in the Accreditation Process Policy and Procedures

Show Cause Appearance Before the Commission Prior to Withdrawal of Accreditation

Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation

Teach-Out Plans and Agreement(s) Policy and Procedures